On behalf of the Pierce County Firefighters, IAFF Local 726
It is my honor to represent over five hundred Firefighters, Paramedics, Fleet Mechanics, Facilities Technicians, I.T. Technicians, and Public Educators that comprise our Union. Along with the active membership, IAFF Local 726 also recognizes and honors approximately one hundred active retirees.
Currently, Local 726 represents members from Central Pierce Fire and Rescue, Graham Fire and Rescue, South Pierce Fire and Rescue, and Orting Valley Fire and Rescue. Local 726 is charged with the representation of all members in regards to wages, hours, and conditions of employment. We are active on local and national fronts with regard to issues that affect our membership.
The mission of the International Association of Firefighters, Local 726, is to enhance the lives of our members and their families by providing progressive collective bargaining agreements; ensuring our members are treated fairly, compensated appropriately, and work in a safe environment; by creating and cultivating positive working relationships between the executive board and our members, elected officials, department administration and other unions; by keeping our membership engaged and educated ensuring the highest degree of professionalism.